Friday, February 26, 2010

I've been looking for healthy recipes since, as a pre-diabetic, I need to watch my carb intake. Unfortunately, I recently went through a five day gallbladder attack so now I have to eat low fat as well. However, I'll soon be having my gallbladder taken out but that doesn't excuse me from not having to watch my diet a bit more carefully. In my search for healthy recipes I happened upon a blog called Farmgirl Fare. Farmgirl Susan lives on a 240 acre farm on a secret location somewhere in Missouri. She chronicles her life on the farm with pictures, recipes and stories. I don't know how she has time to take pictures, write on her blog, plant her garden, tend to her animals and cook delicious meals! Besides all that, as if it isn't enough, Susan and her significant other also run a sheep farm. I am in awe of her and visit her blog often. I hope you will too. The picture is of her homemade ranch dressing which I have made and it is yummy. For anyone who is concerned about hidden sugars in salad dressing and/or too much salt this recipe is YOU! Keep on scrolling down the page past the pictures of her Savory Cheese and Scallion Scones and Little Shortbread Cookies and you'll see the same picture I have here of the Ranch Dressing. I hope you enjoy Susan's blog as much as I do. Have a great day.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hey! Good to see you. Thanks for stopping by. For years I had a vision in my mind of what I wanted to do and say in a blog. Having rather lofty ideas, I naturally developed writers block which then sent all my thoughts right down the drain. So I've decided to just chat away about whatever is on my mind and I'll see where this goes.
The last few years I've become interested in lampwork beads. There are many skilled artisan bead makers whose work I admire and whom inspire me to keep trying to learn the art. Lampwork bead artisans make beads using rods of glass which they melt onto a mandrell over a flame using a torch. I've tried my hand at this and it's really a lot of fun! Now that it's winter I haven't been able to light up my torch and make my wonkies (irregular shaped beads) so instead I've been adding to my supplies.
Oh yeah, before I forget, the picture above is an example of a gorgeous lampwork bead done by Pam Brisse of The Blue Between. I love the organic look of this bead! Please click on the link to her blog and check out the other beautiful beads she has made.
Well, life is calling me away from the computer. There's never enough time to get everything done, is there? Please stop by again and perhaps even leave a comment or two.